Sunday, January 9, 2011


It occurred to me, finally, that there was no reason I should just tie the digital publishing of my book to Amazon and Kindle. I have also heard from people who say that the Nook from Barnes and Noble is better than the Kindle from Amazon so I opened up shop at B&N. It'll open another really big slice of the digital book market to my book. I had to do some serious reformatting of the books to fit the Nook's size but, according to the demo I could check out, it looks pretty good. It should be available in 48 to 72 hours.
On the adverts front I definitely have two actresses who will do the videos. I met with them on Saturday and we spent three hours talking and getting to know each other and had a really good time.
Susanna is going to be Gallif. She's got red hair and could really make the character work. I like her voice a lot and she will be great for that voice over work. She's got the build and you can believe that she could carry a sword and stand toe-to-toe with anyone in a fight.
Jessica, who is Susanna's real life sister, is also really good. I was originally thinking she could do a one spot video as Anamita, or maybe even Maura, but she was so excited and willing to take on the vids I may write a new character just for her.
When I was in Keokuk last weekend at Per's we shot some footage in the cemetery near his house. There is an area that he called the Valley of the Dead and, when you are at the base, there are graves and crypts and tombs almost 360 degrees. There is one house way on the ridge but I'd bet by spring that will be covered by the trees. I talked to them about it and am really thinking that, since they are so interested, I might be able to do a scene there.

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