Sunday, February 14, 2016


While fiction isn't going well film making is working out quite well.  I've got several short films in various stages of production and casting   The biggest we will shoot on the 27th called The Burning Room.  It's a very politically charged film with lots of things going on.  All of the cast, Chelsea Wing, Alice Doherty, Tera Cooling and Danny Peterson are experienced performers.  It's the most experienced cast I've ever had and it shows.  It's really unique in the rehearsal process for this one.  Lots of times rehearsal and take one have been the same thing.  Also got Josh Goding to take over the camera work and invited a few others to join us.  I've learned the more eyes you have on a film set the better.
Yesterday I went in and built the set.  I don't want to leave anything to chance so I put everything together.  I had been worried about the floor a lot.  I didn't want the carpet of the studio and considered shooting elsewhere even though that would mean lots of equipment getting moved, or not being used.  It was a big move put I was able to pull back the carpet in the studio and the floor mat underneath it so I could get the cement floor.  I added some rusty bits of metal and a chain for details and it gives the feel of a dark and dangerous place.
I've reserved the studio on the evening of the 25th so I can get in and build the set again.  That way when we get in on the 27th to film it's be ready to go.

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