Saturday, January 16, 2016


Well, here it is.  It has been to damn long since I've been here.  So many things have happened, some good and some bad, I'm not really sure where to start.  I'll start this revival with just a bit about what I'm doing now.
I'm getting back in to the habit of fiction writing every day.  Only getting a few pages a week but it's getting things going again.  I was a bit worried that it had been so long since I was working on Starpoint Mountain it would be difficult to get back in to character.  I'm doing okay with the people and places and story but I have to admit I've forgotten some of the details.  What did I name that god?  What was the color of the vest her was wearing?  Some of the names of the supporting characters I have to go back and check up.
Still, it's going.

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