Sunday, February 5, 2012


It's finally finished. I finished the video editing a week ago and then turned it over to Tim to do an audio edit. He settled some of the levels so it wasn't to loud and managed to get rid of a few odd sounds that came in from either the studio, mic placement, or the business upstairs. I officially signed off on it on Thursday February 2nd. The official PATV copy was burned off and took 18 hours to upload it to their server. It was officially listed on their site on February 4th.
So far the reactions from people have been really good. 11 people clicked that they liked it on the Facebook link. Someone has even left a comment on the PATV site that they liked it. Everybody has been really good at helping get the word around so people can hear about it.
I also did some shameless tweeting to promote it. I have to admit that. I thought about it for about 4 seconds and then realized there was no reason not to. So some of the people I follow like Tom Hanks, Rosario Dawson, Steven Moffatt and Lindsay Lohan got a tweet with a brief link to PATV yesterday. I also send tweets to some of the sci-fi websites I follow. Don't know if it's just coincidence but I picked up two followers within an hour afterwards.
What I need to do next is write a press release email for the actual broadcast on PATV. I haven't done one in a while and have been working on the actual wording. I'm starting to think that something straight and to the point will be best.
After that I'll put the final product on Youtube for even bigger distribution. The only thing I don't like about it is I will have to break it up in to 2 parts. It's 21:35 and that is to big for them. I don't like that it'll have to be broken up but there is really no other way to get it in to distribution there.

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