Sunday, May 29, 2011


I finished all of the subplots and character arcs and just have two more scenes to write. My goal was to be finished by June 1st and I'll definitely make that.

I have to admit I'm kind of glad it'll be finished. Don't get me wrong, I'm very proud of it and there is some really good stuff in there. I like the characters, I think they are all unique with their own personalities. I think the horror element of it is creepy and something I've never seen before.
The thing is I'm finding it really difficult to work on two drastically different books at the same time. It was okay when I was doing the first draft of book 4 in Starpoint and the second draft of book 3 at the same time. It was just when I started Welcome to Nowhere that I ran in to trouble. They were two different everything. I approached them differently, the tone was different, the canvas was different and it was hard to focus on one. The result is, when I finish this week, I will have the first drafts of three different novels and twenty three short stories all written by hand. One of them is about halfway through a second draft. It's not really productive so I'm going to stop writing new stuff for a while and just concentrate on the rewrites.
It's not like I don't have any ideas coming. Lots of things are really wanting to be written. I've been toying with the idea of "OK, So Maybe Heaven Can't Wait" for a long time. "November Girl" just came together and I desperately want to write it. I'm just going to have to keep them on the back burner a while.

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